

Kundan the sixth spy of the country had been killed, but before succumbing to bullet injuries he had reported lo the head quarters that once the notorious robber and killer Rocky, with the help of some scientists had succeeded in inventing a poisonous gas which turns every growth on earth into ashes.

The Chief of the Secret Services was fully aware that the aim of Rocky was none other than to make the people starve and to rule over them after.

A cunning spy is the correct match to a cunning enemy; The Chief deputes Rajesh to this mission.

On a lonely road Rajesh is surrounded by the gangsters of Rocky, but he makes them flee - under a false address Rajesh is mis-led to a place where again he has to fight for his life and while seeking an egress he comes across a young girl in coma in a steel cell he brings her to hotel, unknowingly that she is Rita the daughter of Rocky who had stepped out to finish Rajesh.

This get-together of two enemies kindles a spark in her heart which is defined in literature as love.

Crime begets crime - Rocky hires a famous killer Marshall from Foreign to assassinate the secret agent.

Rocky and all his devilish paraphernalia on one side and Rajesh with love and duty on the other.

Clash after clash - impact after impact takes place but Rajesh proves un-vanquished – he manages to flee even from the lariat thrown around from a helicopter piloted by Rocky himself.

Rocky calls Rita and with a threat of her life he orders to kill Rajesh very next day.

Rita gives poisoned liquor to Rajesh who falls dead. The dead body of Rajesh is carried away to Rocky But
Was Rajesh really dead ?
Was Rita the real daughter of Rocky ? .
Was Rocky successful in his dreams?
These questions cannot be replied in words but on the silver screen.